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Waffen SS Infantry enlisted men visor hat. Kleiderkasse

Род войск: WAFFEN SS
№ Лота: ss243
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Mid war Waffen-SS Schirmmütze/Visor hat für SS-Unterführer Infanterie. Enlisted personnel, SS-Kleiderkasse example in very good condition, with RZM marked chinstrap.  Wool base of the hat is a standard combat wool type seen on the combat tunics and etc. Both the metal insignia is a zinc made and anodized in aluminum color. The hat is absolutely perfect example, just has  some slight traces of wear. The red rubber front part located between the hat and the sweatband is missed. Size 57.


Mid war Waffen-SS Schirmmütze/Visor hat für SS-Unterführer Infanterie. Enlisted personnel, SS-Kleiderkasse example in very good condition, with RZM marked chinstrap.  Wool base of the hat is a standard combat wool type seen on the combat tunics and etc. Both the metal insignia is a zinc made and anodized in aluminum color. The hat is absolutely perfect example, just has  some slight traces of wear. The red rubber front part located between the hat and the sweatband is missed. Size 57.

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